The Day the Earth stood still! – Electionday!

Monday, 13 May 2019 – Electionday.

Filipinos obviously take their right to vote very seriously. The resort I live in, was like dead. No employee was be seen, during Monday – Electionday. I talked to a Filipino. He said, on Electionday he would go to his home province to vote his politician, and to pic up his money. A 1000 peso he is expecting to get for his vote.

The sale of alcohol and drinking in public is strictly forbidden the day before Election (Sunday) and during the Election. I was with my friend for dinner on Sunday. He asked for a Sun Miguel and the waiter refused. My friend complained and even asked for the friendly Japanese owner of the resto. This regulations, he claimed, wouldn’t hold true for tourists, only for Filipinos! The Japanese owner however friendly insisted that no exceptions can be made!

The main road – empty, no traffic. If you are used to the usual hustle and bustle, you ask yourself, what’s wrong?

Mainroad Station 3, Monday 13, May 2019 – Election Day!
Mainroad to Cagban Jetty on Election Day



Election Propaganda

And even the tide seemed to be absent today. It was one of the rare days in the year when there is only one, elongated tide during the day. There was almost no movement in the air as well.

tide chart 13 May 2019 (source: tides4fishing)

And the ocean? – Flat as a mirror!

The ocean looks more like a flat lake. Almost no wind and little boat traffic. The watersport businesses have already moved over to Bulabog Beach because of the Beginn of the Habagat Season.













1 May – NO PARTY

No Party, no party people, no ad campaign! – Yeah!:-) This ad campaign in Boracay was always the worst!!

Just a normal, touristic day on the island.

The kite season at Bulabog is over. The wind has dropped almost to zero.

Kiteseason at Bulabog is over.

What about the Algeas?

There are a few patches at Station 1. But much less than all the previous years. So, now it is very much likely, that the illegal pipes from all the Hotels had caused the algae infestation.

A patch of algeas at the d’Mall Beach Front (30 April 2019)

Crystal clear water at Angol Beach Station 3

White Beach Station 3 (Angol), 1 May 2019

Live view of the pontoon jetty at Station 3. 1 May 2019, 3 pm